Do you have a problem with prepositions? Most English learners do! Prepositions are important of the English language and they are particularly important for students who are studying for tests like the Cambridge FCE and CAE. In both of these tests, you must often deal with prepositions in the exam, especially in Part 2 of the Use of English Module. Click here to learn more about Part 2 of the Use of English portion of the CAE and FCE exams.

To help you practice, we are taking a look at some famous quotes about San Francisco. Can you complete these quotes with the correct preposition?

San Francisco Cable Car

Preposition Practice Through SF Quotes

  1. San Franciscans are very proud ______________ their city, and they should be.  It’s the most beautiful place in the world.  (Robert Redford)

  2. If you’re alive, you can’t be bored in San Francisco.  If you’re not alive, San Francisco will bring you ______________  life……San Francisco is a world to explore.  (William Saroyan)
  3. Every man should be allowed ______________  love two cities, his own and San Francisco.  (Gene Fowler)
  4. I prefer a wet San Francisco ______________  a dry Manhattan. (Larry Geraldi)
  5. I don’t know of any other city where you can walk through so many culturally diverse neighbourhoods, and you’re never out ______________  sight of the wild hills.  Nature is very close here.  (Gary Snyder)
  6. Leaving San Francisco is like saying goodbye to an old sweetheart.  You want to linger ______________  long as possible.  (Walter Kronkite)
  7. San Francisco is the only city I can think ______________  that can survive all the things you people are doing to it and still look beautiful. (Frank Lloyd Wright)
  8. Your city is remarkable not only ______________ its beauty.  It is also, of all the cities in the United States, the one whose name, the world over, conjures up the most visions and more than any other city incites one to dream.  (Georges Pompidou)
  9. It’s a mad city, inhabited ______________  insane people whose women are of remarkable beauty (Rudyard Kipling)
  10. It is a good thing the early settlers landed ______________  the East Coast; if they’d landed ______________  San Francisco first, the rest of the country would still be uninhabited.  (Herbert Mye)

San Francisco Lombardi Street


  1. San Franciscans are very proud OF their city, and they should be.  It’s the most beautiful place in the world.  (Robert Redford)
  2. If you’re alive, you can’t be bored in San Francisco.  If you’re not alive, San Francisco will bring you TO life……San Francisco is a world to explore.  (William Saroyan)

  3. Every man should be allowed TO love two cities, his own and San Francisco.  (Gene Fowler)
  4. I prefer a wet San Francisco TO a dry Manhattan. (Larry Geraldi)
  5. I don’t know of any other city where you can walk through so many culturally diverse neighbourhoods, and you’re never out OF sight of the wild hills.  Nature is very close here.  (Gary Snyder)
  6. Leaving San Francisco is like saying goodbye to an old sweetheart.  You want to linger AS  long as possible.  (Walter Kronkite)
  7. San Francisco is the only city I can think OF that can survive all the things you people are doing to it and still look beautiful. (Frank Lloyd Wright)
  8. Your city is remarkable not only IN its beauty.  It is also, of all the cities in the United States, the one whose name, the world over, conjures up the most visions and more than any other city incites one to dream.  (Georges Pompidou)
  9. It’s a mad city, inhabited BY insane people whose women are of remarkable beauty (Rudyard Kipling)
  10. It is a good thing the early settlers landed ON the East Coast; if they’d landed IN San Francisco first, the rest of the country would still be uninhabited.  (Herbert Mye)

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