English students often ask what the differences are between British and American English. Depending on who you ask, the answer may vary! Most English teachers agree that while there are many differences in pronunciation, slang, idioms, vocabulary, and spelling, the two languages share enough similarities that one can almost always understand a person who speaks the other version of English. However, the two are different enough that each has its own dictionary.

So what are the important differences between British and American English? Apart from the accent, the most notable differences are with the vocabulary. The following are some of the more commonly-used words with differences in British and American English. How many of these have you heard before?
American English British English
apartment flat
attorney (lawyer) barrister

cookie biscuit
chips crisps
counter-clockwise anti-clockwise
fries chips
garbage rubbish
garbage can bin
garbage man dustman
parking lot car park

thumbtack drawing pin
truck lorry
trunk boot
vacation holiday
Students often ask how to become more accustomed to the British accent. The best way is to expose yourself to it as much as possible, and what better way to do that than watch some great British films?
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