Meet our CISL Pathway Partner, Palomar College!

CISL’s Academic Pathways program provides English students the opportunity to attend a college or university in the United States (often, without taking the TOEFL or IELTS exam!). Today on the CISL Blog, we are interviewing Yasue O’Neill, the Coordinator of International Education at Palomar College in San Diego. Yasue is an excellent resource for international students!

Palomar College is a California community college located in the Northern San Diego town of San Marcos. The quiet community, beautiful and clean campus, and thriving international student population make it a wonderful and welcoming location for students from abroad. Plus, Palomar offers the San Diego basics that everyone loves: beautiful weather, sunshine year-round . . . and the beach!

Below are some excerpts from our interview with Yasue.


How long have you been working with your school? 20 years

What are some of your job duties? I direct the international student program and promote internationalization of the college campus. I also make the final decision on the international student applications as well as work with several U.S. government agencies. For students, I make sure that we provide excellent student support services to assist them achieve their academic and personal goals.  

Your school has many international students. What are some countries you have had students from? We have enrolled students from Japan, China, Vietnam, South Korea, Indonesia, France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina, Colombia, India, and many others.

International Students Flags

What is one student service that international students often use? (Tutoring, housing, etc.) International students on our campus often use free tutoring services, counseling services, and a place to relax (office of International Education) to hang out with their friends.

Many students from your school transfer to four-year college and universities. What are some of the schools that students attend after they complete their studies at your school? Universities our students have transferred to include but not limited to: University of California Berkeley, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Diego, San Diego State University, University of Southern California, California State University San Marcos, Long Beach State University, and State University of New York campuses.


What is one academic program that your school is really proud of? Our University Studies transfer program prepares the students become eligible to transfer to universities. There are academic counselors available to develop and update students’ educational plan to give them necessary information for them to successfully complete the transfer process.

What are some of the more popular clubs and activities for students? There many student clubs to facilitate students’ social activities. There are Child Development club, Dance club, Fashion club, International Student club, Archaeology club, to name a few.


At what part of campus do students usually hang out? International students often hang out inside the Office of International Education and around the Student Union.

What’s one thing that makes your school unique? Number of programs and courses offered. Palomar College offers over 200 associate and/or certificate programs that range from Accounting to Women’s studies.

What’s one piece of advice you have for a student transferring to your school? Don’t be ashamed of asking questions. Always remember that we are here to help you succeed in your life.

Thanks to Yasue for providing Palomar students with a positive learning environment and the chance to reach their academic goals in the U.S.! To learn more about studying at Palomar College after learning English at CISL, contact the Pathway Coordinator