Have you been practicing phrasal verbs with CISL’s 30-Day Phrasal Verb Challenge? If so, now is the time to test some of your new phrasal verb skills! Today’s lesson contains practice with the 21 verbs students have learned since May 1, when the phrasal verb challenge began. If you didn’t take the challenge, you can still participate! Just see how many of these you can fill in correctly, and then check out our original post on phrasal verbs to see if your answers are correct. Remember, you might have to change the tense of some of the verbs to make them work in the sentences; additionally, some of the phrasal verbs appear twice (with the phrasal verb’s two different definitions). Good luck!

My plane TAKES OFF at 8 am and arrives at 10. Can you PICK me UP at 10:15?


Phrasal Verb Review

1. To continue

Student: “Teacher, I have something to tell you… I… I…

” Teacher: “_______ _________.”

Student: “I didn’t do my homework!”


2. To establish something

We _______ _________ the party by putting up decorations and putting out the food.


3. To clean

This room was filthy so I had to _______ it  _________.


4. To give a ride to someone

I have to _______ _________ my little brother at eight.


5. To date someone.

We have been _______ _________ for three months.


6. To discover; learn of

I just _______ _________ that my great-great-grandmother was from Japan! That means I am part Japanese!


7. To happen unexpectedly.

I wanted to visit my friend, but something _______ _________ and I couldn’t go.


8. To create a story

_______ _________ a story about how I was lost at sea . . . and my nephew believed it!


9. To take control

The country _______ _________ the other country after the war.


10. To solve a problem

We need to _______ this _________ before we go home, or we will have a lot of work to do tomorrow!


11. To start a new hobby

_______ _________ snorkeling when I moved to San Diego.


12. To end (usually happily)

I was so worried that I would burn my dinner, but it _______ _________ great!


13. To start a new project or challenge

I _______ _________ a new job at work and I am so busy!


14. To quit

_______ _________ on playing the guitar. I was no good!


15. To search for information

_______ _________ my boss on the internet, and he has an impressive resume!


16. To take someone on a date

Can I _______ you _________ sometime?


17. To write quickly

_______ _________ your shopping list before you go to the grocery store.


18. To appear

I had been looking for my glasses all day. They _______ _________ under the sofa.


19. To mention a person or thing

I shouldn’t have _______ _________ Sarah’s ex-boyfriend. I didn’t realize that they had broken up!


20. To raise a child

She was _______ _________ by her grandparents after her parents passed away.


21. To return

That song _______ _________ memories of high school!






1. To continue

Student: “Teacher, I have something to tell you… I… I…

” Teacher: “Go on.”

Student: “I didn’t do my homework!”


2. To establish something

We set up the party by putting up decorations and putting out the food.


3. To clean

This room was filthy so I had to clean/pick it  up.


4. To give a ride to someone

I have to pick up my little brother at eight.


5. To date someone.

We have been going out for three months.


6. To discover; learn of

I just found out that my great-great-grandmother was from Japan! That means I am part Japanese!


7. To happen unexpectedly.

I wanted to visit my friend, but something came up and I couldn’t go.


8. To create a story

made up a story about how I was lost at sea . . . and my nephew believed it!


9. To take control

The country took over the other country after the war.


10. To solve a problem

We need to work this out before we go home, or we will have a lot of work to do tomorrow!


11. To start a new hobby

I took up snorkeling when I moved to San Diego.


12. To end (usually happily)

I was so worried that I would burn my dinner, but it turned out great!


13. To start a new project or challenge

I took on a new job at work and I am so busy!


14. To quit

gave up playing the guitar. I was no good!


15. To search for information

I looked up my boss on the internet, and he has an impressive resume!


16. To take someone on a date

Can I take you out sometime?


17. To write quickly

Jot down your shopping list before you go to the grocery store.


18. To appear

I had been looking for my glasses all day. They turned up under the sofa.


19. To mention a person or thing

I shouldn’t have brought up Sarah’s ex-boyfriend. I didn’t realize that they had broken up!


20. To raise a child

She was brought up by her grandparents after her parents passed away.


21. To return

That song brings back memories.