
July 2009 Lesson of the Month

VOCABULARY:  BE THE MASTER OF YOUR DOMAIN!  Last month we said that one of the most interesting ways to learn vocabulary is by DOMAIN– a group of different words that are associated with the same concept.  The words last month were all in the WALK domain.  This month, we have a few examples of the big SPEAK domain.  See how...


Lesson of the Month

CISL LESSON OF THE MONTH June 2009       VOCABULARY:  Several months ago, we learned some idiomatic expressions that involved animals, such as TO HORSE AROUND (to play roughly) and IT’S RAINING CATS AND DOGS! (It’s raining very hard!)  This proved to be a very popular section.  This month we have some more animals used as ADJECTIVES – ways to describe...


Word of the Day – Cognate

The Word of the Day is: cognate • \KAHG-nayt\ • adjective 1 : of the same or similar nature 2 : related; especially : related by descent from the same ancestral language Example Sentence: Sean is a professor of astronomy whose background includes extensive work in the cognate fields of mathematics and physics.


Monthly Grammar Lesson: Using “To Wish”

Let’s examine how to use the verb “to wish” in English! Let’s start off with the easy part. ‘ I wish to’ can mean the same as ‘I want to’ but it is much, much more formal and much, much less common. I wish to make a complaint. I wish to see the manager. You...


Joke of the Week 2/4

The Bracelet A woman sees a beautiful bracelet in the window of a jewelery shop and decides that she wants it, but she doesn’t have enough money to buy it. Then she has an idea. She goes into the shop and asks if they will hold/save the bracelet for her if she pays a small...