
5 Classic American movies that all English language students must watch

Like food, everyone has a different taste in cinema; however, there are some movies that are considered “must-see films” by most Americans. What makes a movie a “classic?” We have a theory. A “classic” movie: Has been seen by nearly everyone. Everyone has a memory attached to the movie. Even if people hate the movie, they...

Upcoming events for students at CISL San Diego

Upcoming events for students at CISL San Diego

CISL students are in the middle of a three-day weekend thanks to the President’s Day holiday, but just because school starts back up on Tuesday doesn’t mean that the weekend fun has to end! CISL has many fun activities planned for students during the next few weeks. Check them out!   Upcoming events at CISL...


Favorite International Student Activity: Whale Watching in San Diego

It is whale watching season in San Diego! Each year from December through April, 20,000 gray whales pass through San Diego while on their 10,000 mile journey from chilly Alaska to temperate Baja, California. They migrate the same path every year in order for the mothers to give birth to their calves in a warmer...