
Looking back: a class’ favorite CISL memories

When all the students from Natalie’s Level 8 class graduated, they decided to do something interesting: make a book about the experiences at Converse! Here are some of their entries in their “yearbook.” “I have to recognize that these classes have been fun. What I liked the most were my classmates because all of them...


Reviewing Pancakes in SD’s East Village

    CISL San Diego teacher Denise’s Level 9 English Class recently took a trip to the Mission Café, a restaurant located in Downtown San Diego, to introduce her students to American pancakes. After their delicious meal, the students were asked to write a restaurant review. Here is what they had to say: “Pancakes at the Mission Café” by...

Welcome to the CISL Blog!

Welcome to the CISL Blog!

Use the Blog to learn all about international student life in California: the things to do, the sights to see, what to eat/drink, and how to improve your English outside of the CISL classroom! Return to the CISL Homepage


SF: Dolores Park: A Profile

Where: Dolores Street and 18th Street Almost all parks are free, but that doesn’t make them worth a visit. However, San Francisco’s Dolores Park could probably charge a small fee and people would still come. Why? Because it is the communal gathering point for many of the Mission Districts young artists, musicians, bloggers, hipsters, and...