Etiquette in the English classroom

Moving to the United States to study English is exciting . . . but of course, it is also a little stressful! In addition to worrying about cultural differences at home and in public (What is the tipping policy in the United States? Should I bring my host family a gift?) students also worry about etiquette within the classroom. To help our students feel better prepared for their time at CISL, we have a list of “do’s” and “don’ts” from CISL teachers. Above all, remember this: CISL teachers are accustomed to having new students in their classrooms, and will always be sympathetic to your questions and concerns!

Etiquette in the CISL classroom


Participate in class.

This might sound silly, but many cultures expect students to be quiet and not ask questions. This is not the case in the United States: teachers really want their students to participate! When the teacher asks a question, they hope that someone will answer. Do not be afraid to answer questions, and do not be afraid to ask questions if you do not understand something. Teachers will not be frustrated if you stop class to raise your hand and ask for clarification.

Dedicate yourself.

The quickest way to earn the respect of your teacher is to show that you are serious about your studies. In other words, do your homework! 🙂 Teachers are always impressed when students seem to be learning outside of the classroom. CISL teacher Amanda says, “One of the most impressive things a student can do is to come to class with questions about things they read/heard/saw the day before. It’s so encouraging to see how they are processing and learning English even after my class ends!”

Reach out to other students.

Establishing relationships with your classmates will make the classroom more comfortable. Going out to lunch with your classmates or organizing after-school activities together will help build relationships, and everyone in the classroom will be more comfortable. This will make classroom participation become much easier!

Speak English.

Everyone is at CISL to improve their English skills, so it is a good idea to speak English all the time! Additionally, remember that you are in a classroom that is a mix of people from many countries (check out the CISL diversity!) and it is common courtesy to speak a common language. Plus, every time you speak English, you are practicing and improving: take all the chances you can to do so!


Be afraid to ask questions.

Teachers are here to help! Remember that if you have a question, it might be a question that other students also have. Your classmates will probably appreciate the question you ask! If you are nervous about asking a question during class, ask the teacher during break time or after school.

Be nervous to express any concerns.

If there is something you need, tell your teacher. Are you confused about a grammar point? Do you feel like you need extra help with your pronunciation? Does your vocabulary seem weak? Expressing these concerns to a teacher will help you tremendously. Either the teacher will incorporate an activity into class that will help you improve, or your teacher will provide you with some useful websites or materials to help you increase your skills.

Answer another student’s questions.

If a student asks a question directly to the teacher, it is polite for you to allow the teacher to answer the question. Of course, teachers might turn the question around and ask the class if anyone knows the answer. In this case, of course jump in!