San Franciscans are some of the most in-shape people in the U.S., and it’s no wonder why: the city’s abundant farmer’s markets selling fresh California produce and the numerous parks and open spaces suit those who love the outdoors! San Francisco’s terrain and cool weather also make it a runner’s paradise. Whether you’re a novice or a marathon runner, you’ll find a route that works for you in SF. Here are some suggestions for websites, articles, and apps to help you run in San Francisco.



Running Routes in San Francisco

Map My Run

These maps include details of the route length and elevation. Routes are plotted on a large map of the city, so you can easily see where the routes are located.  The mobile app is excellent!



Routes include a map, photos, length, elevation, and a description of the route and its highlights.



Beginner, intermediate, and advanced routes are mapped out for you in this informative article.



Running Vocabulary


Warm up

Definition: to do movements that prepare the body for intense exercise. Warming up prevents injury because it prepares the muscles for a workout.

Example: We suggest that you warm up for about ten minutes before you begin running.

Cool down

Definition: movements that help the muscles relax after an intense workout. Walking and light stretching are examples.

Example:  To cool down, we walked through the park after our run.


Definition: the speed in which you run.

Example: My pace has increased a lot since I learned how to control my breathing.


Definition: sweat!

Example: A little perspiration is good for you!


Definition: the ability to exercise for a longer period of time.

Example: He is a great endurance runner, but he’s a very short sprinter.


Definition: to run very fast, usually for short distances.

Example: We sprinted at the end of the race.


Check out some of our other articles about exercising while you are an international student in California!